在线课程由100%的异步教学组成,没有任何必要的同步会议. This means students can view lectures, participate in class discussions, 等. 在任何时候, but work within the course (such as readings, 讨论版, (或论文)仍然有截止日期. 在线 courses also have specific start and end dates, as listed in MyBlue.
An 在线 program is defined as a course that consists of all 在线 courses.
Blended means some class meetings are required for the class or program. 在这些会议期间, 学生既可以亲自参加会议,也可以通过网络会议参与. These class times are held synchronously, meaning all students are listening to the instructor, 在讨论, 等. 同时.
被归类为混合课程, 至少三分之二的课程必须在线,三分之一或更少的课程需要强制性会议. For example, a 3-credit-hour course is 45 contact hours. This means 15 or fewer contact hours will be offered through synchronous, 强制性会议(至少2/3或更多)是异步的.
As bet36365体育 在线 courses offer flexibility and convenience, 其中许多课程要求很高,可能不是所有学生的最佳选择. 通过在线课程取得成功, 你一定很喜欢书面文字,因为你和老师和同学的交流都是通过电子邮件进行的, 讨论组, 还有聊天环节. 你必须有很强的积极性和自律性,及时安排学习和完成作业的时间. You also need a solid set of computer skills such as using a word processor, being able to download and install software, and being familiar with 电子邮件 and a browser.
Also please note that by enrolling in an 在线 web course, 某些信息, 例如电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, 等. 是否可以发布给其他班级成员,以促进在线环境中的学习. If you do not wish to have such information made available to others, then you may wish to take the course in a more traditional setting. Such information would be available to other students in the class, 或者在同一课程的其他部分,通过一个安全的网络,但不会被公众访问.
Since you are not required to attend class, 人们有一种误解,认为在线课程比传统的面对面课程“更容易”. 这是不正确的!!! 网络课程信息的严谨性和深度与传统课程相似. 即使你不去上课,所需的时间也和传统课程差不多. For a normal 3 credit hour 在线 course, you can expect to spend 9-12 hours per week 取决于课程.
方便——你可以在任何有电脑和互联网接入的地方上课——在家里, 在学校, 在办公室, 或者在图书馆. If you are like many of the 在线 students who are off-campus, non-traditional students with full-time jobs, 由于你的工作和个人责任,你很难通勤到学校. 有了在线课程,你不需要开车去学校上课.
Flexibility - you may do your coursework whenever it is convenient for you. 如果你是全职工作, 你可能想在上班前登录一下, 午餐时间, 下班后, 或者在深夜. 如果你有孩子,你可能想在孩子上学或睡觉的时候做作业. 在线课程的美妙之处在于你可以选择什么时候来上课.
个人关注——许多教师表示,与面对面的课程相比,在线课程中的互动更多. This interaction allows for more one-on-one learning and personal attention.
低估工作量——学生低估了在线课程所需的工作量. They often think that an 在线 course is "easier" than the traditional, face-to-face course which is not true. 学生每周可以花9-12个小时学习正常的3学分在线课程, 取决于课程.
Basic computer literacy is required to be successful as an 在线 learner. 强烈建议您对您的计算机及其功能有一个很好的了解. 如果你没有或只有有限的计算机经验,你可能想推迟参加在线课程. General computer skills include knowledge of browsers, ISP的, 软件安装, 还有文字处理. 参考下面的计算机要求来确定你是否适合参加在线课程.
网络浏览器——浏览器是一种工具,可以让你的电脑“阅读”万维网上的页面. Since you're reading this on the bet36365体育 eCampus website right now, your computer is running a browser; however, 在线课程推荐使用最新版本的Mozilla Firefox.
Internet Service Provider - To participate in 在线 web courses, 您必须通过互联网服务提供商(ISP)访问互联网。. 您将根据您订阅的连接类型每月支付费用. It is recommended to have High Speed DSL or Cable Modem.
在线 course requirements will vary from course to course. To find out what the course requirements are, refer to the bet36365体育在线课程时间表.
Some of the courses may require written assignments in lieu of tests, some courses will require you to take a test 在线 without a proctor, while some courses will require the test to be taken at a proctored site. If that is the case, then you are responsible for finding the proctor. A proctor verifies that the test is administered under the proper conditions, and it is usually someone who is employed full time in education. A list of approved proctors may include local college testing centers, 大学或公立学校的教师, 指导顾问/咨询人员, 学校校长, 或者学校管理者.
For technical (computer and software) questions, contact the 资讯科技服务 Helpdesk 电话308-865-8363或电子邮件 unkhelpdesk@shucaijixie.comThe bet36365体育 Help Desk is now available 24 hrs. a day/7 days a week to employees and students for Blackboard, 电子邮件, 以及其他与计算机相关的问题.
网络礼仪是在互联网上交流时使用适当的礼仪. 如果你和很多人一样,这可能是你第一次体验在线课程. You may have taken some courses before, 你也可能对某种形式的电子通信有过经验, but an 在线 course is a new area of social interaction, and as such it has its own rules for interacting with others. 这些建议旨在概述在这种新环境中进行互动的适当礼仪.
Think carefully about the content of your message before sending it. 你说的正是你想说的吗? How will the person on the other end read the words? Once sent to the group, there is no taking it back. 一定要检查你的语法和信息的拼写,因为你的听众可能无法理解拼写错误的单词或结构糟糕的句子. 在发表评论之前,用文字处理软件编写和检查评论是一个很好的做法.
Remember there's a person on the other side. 如果你不确定自己的想法和意见是否会被采纳,请寻求反馈. If you disagree with what someone has said, please express your opinions respectfully to professors and to students.
语气缓和些. 由于缺乏面对面的线索,书面文本很容易被误解. 避免使用强烈或冒犯性的语言和过度使用感叹号. If you feel particularly strongly about a point, it may be best to write it first as a draft and then to review it, 投寄前, in order to remove any strong language.
不要全大写. This is difficult to read and can be regarded as shouting.
Participate in the 在线 environment, it's not enough to show up!.
是持久的. If you run into any difficulties, don't wait! 立即给教学大纲上所列课程的讲师发一张便条. 大多数问题都很容易解决,但我们必须先得到你的答复才能提供帮助.
Share tips, suggestions, and questions. Taking 在线 courses is a new frontier. 没有愚蠢的问题,即使你认为你的解决方案是显而易见的,请分享它! Someone in the course will thank you for it.